We are aiming for all children to have at least 95% attendance.
Why should I bring my child to nursery school regularly?
- Evidence shows us that it is important to get children into regular patterns of attendance.
- Our data shows us that our more able children all have attendance of 95% or above.
- Children who miss Nursery sessions miss out on vital social play - learning how to make friends and sharing and taking turns.
- Listening as part of a group needs to be learned and practiced to build attention span. This is a vital skill for school and life in general.
Does it matter if I am late?
- Arriving just 5 minutes late each day means your child misses 5 full sessions of Nursery over the year.
- Arriving half an hour late means your child misses 31 sessions over the year.
- 90% attendance is like having a day off every 2 weeks.
- 80% is like having a day off every week.